Sunday, December 20, 2009

things we learned from the indians

east or west - india is the best?
Before I start, this is by no means a racist post. I am just trying to say somethings that I think we learned from our closest brother - India. The list is in no particular order as I am writing as it comes to my mind.

1. Give Indians their independence and they will kill you

You don't need fire to fght with fire. Mahathma Gandhi is living proof of that. He showed the importance of peace and why we should make love and not war. He kicked the Brits out on their ass just by using this as his pricinple. So pretty much he is the MAN!! But he got assasinated just like every other person who fought for their rights. Why was he killed? By some Hindhu fanatic who didn't agree with something Gandhi did. Dude, you just killed the person who gave you the right to breath freely and do what you did.

2. A woman who wears too much make up = THE bitch

Need I say more? There isn't a single Maldivian who doesn't know the infamous villain from Kasauti and everyone hates the hell out of her. They despise her and the way she breathes itself reeks of nothing but pure evil. When two Maldivian women meet they want nothing more than to speak of the evil of the women in these Indian soaps. But if we take a second to wonder, why are all the villains in the soaps some highly fashioned woman? Perhaps people want to think that if they are not wearing necklaces, rings, and earings along with enough make up to shame a mannequin, it won't make them a bad person. You've all been fooled!

3. A man who has the facial hair of a sasquatch = THE he-bitch

If you see a man with every inch of his face covered in hair, he is trouble. He will have that evil smile on his face and is up to no good. If you're a girl, you better get out of there before he runs after you and tries to rape you. If you're a guy, well you better run too 'cos he will come after your lover and kill and/or rape her before he kills your parents. And then you go on a rampage to get revenge from this SOB.

4. They introduce the sixth vowel(?) in the Yenglish yalphabet

My first day in grade 8 and my math teacher was giving out sums for us to do. He was dictating while we wrote. I guess that saved a lot of money and man power on his behalf. Cheap Bastard!! Anyway, I hear him say "two yem plus four yen + five yay + 10 yem yen, Factorise this." And in my mind, I am trying to find just what it was about. I tried to put a picture of this new vowel but they dont appear in writing. It can only be heard. The truth about it is unknown, much like the Holy Grail and the G-Spot.

5. You can bring a woman to orgasm just by necking

Do you have a bad sex life? Do you have trouble bringing your lover to wonderland on a regular basis? Does your lover go to others for sexual gratification? Do you get booed in bed? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should watch a Hindi movie and learn the way to bring your lover to orgasm just by necking.

I am sure you can come up with a long list of things but I am going to stop here and let you ponder on it. Until next time. Adios...


Ibrahim Maiz said...

I'd try the necking thanks for the hint

johnny said...

i bet you gotta take some kind of wierd sex education class to pull off that necking...and you gotta admit thats one difficult sum to factorize!!

Iya said...

i, for one, think the villian lady looks hot. even with all that make up and jewelery.

i'd so do her.

useful.idiot said...

@IBRAHIM: you're most welcome kind sir.

@johnny: touche'. about the sum, writing the sum was the hard part.

@Iya: well said.

Yaamyn said...

Necking. So THAT's how it works. Gotta give this a shot.

Oh shit, I'm not in India anymore.

bilaalu said...

do you watch 'kasauti' hehe u have described it well..

useful.idiot said...

@Yaamyn: yup, you have to be in India to do that. When in Rome do as Romans do.

@bilaalu: man, anyone who is anybody in Maldives will know about kasauti. I wasn't even in the country for the majority of that damned show but I still got the jist of it from hearing from my mom.